Late Summer and Fall Reading Schedule
American Documents
10 Sept. - Declaration of Independence17 Sept. - U.S. Constitution (without amendments)
24 Sept.- Madison, Hamilton, Jay, The Federalist 1,2, 6
1 Oct. - The Federalist 9, 10, 14
8 Oct. - The Federalist 15, 16, 23
15 Oct. - The Federalist 37, 38, 39
22 Oct. - The Federalist 47, 48, 49, 51
29 Oct. - The Federalist 57, 62, 63
5 Nov. - The Federalist 68, 69, 70
12 Nov. - The Federalist 76, 78, 81
19 Nov. - Marbury v. Madison
26 Nov. - The Federalist 84, 85,
Constitutional amendments 1-10